About us

My Fragrance Venture
My love for fragrances started when I was very young. I remember my grandfather leaving some lilac petals on his prayer matt. We had beautiful lilac bushes in our backyard, and every spring I was swooned by the intoxicating smell of them. My home town, Tabriz (not as much as Kashan, Iran) was known for its nuts and roses. Every spring, my mother used to make rose and pistachio jam, the aroma of which would fill the house.
Walking to school with my mom, I loved catching the smell of freshly baked bread and sweets the early morning breeze. After school and when my mother was busy cooking, I used to wear her make up, spray her fragrances, and twirl in her ill-fitting dresses.
My older sister started buying perfumes with her allowance when I was about 6-7 years old. I recall her bathing in Jovan Musk and Charlie before leaving the house, choking everyone within a kilometer radius. My sister and I went fragrance shopping often in traditional cosmetic stores in Iran, where you had to ask the storekeeper to hand you the fragrance from the locked cabinet to test. I was shy and used my older sister as the middleman to ask for 15+ fragrances behind the counter.
I clearly recall discovering the Kenzo brand in one of the stores in Iran, and just like that, I had to have every single bottle. I collected Kenzo fragrances for a while. Years later, a kind friend of mine, found me a bottle of Kenzo that I treasure in memory of my late teens. Later, when I moved to Tehran, I started collecting Hermes fragrances. By the time I graduated from the university, I had about 40 bottles.
I left most my belonging including my fragrances in Iran when I moved to Canada. I needed to start a new chapter in my life at the time, and although I missed somethings about the previous chapters, I did not want to carry reminders of them with me. I think I started collecting again around 2008, slowly but surely. By 2018, I had a collection of 40 fragrances. I didn’t know anything about most niche, indie, or luxury fragrance brands until then.
It wasn’t until I started a new job, where I met a dear colleague who introduced me to luxury and niche brands. It felt like I discovered another planet suddenly, beyond the same old fruity floral fragrances that I saw at the cosmetic stores.
The idea of this website came to me as I was reviewing and posting fragrances more regularly by the end of 2022. I am hoping to create a space to review fragrances and share my passion for them with others. Interviews with creative directors, fragrance reviewers, and fragrance enthusiasts might also be in horizon.
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I review designer, luxury, niche, and to lesser extent indie perfumes. Occasionally, I review discontinued and vintage fragrances as well.
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